Drama Studies: A uniquely Trinity story

‘There’s over 63 cultures [countries] that have come through the Foundation Studies program, and they’ve all done drama. It’s a regular United Nations; I think it should be on Australian Story. It would be really interesting to share because it’s a very happy story.’ Dr Rosemary Blight, Subject Leader for Drama Studies.

Rosemary Blight began teaching at Trinity in 1990. She has had several stints away from Trinity, including completing a PhD thesis at the University of Melbourne in 2013, but her passion for Trinity’s drama studies program has never abated.

This semester, alumnus and former drama student (TCFS 1995) and Tim Flicker joined one of Rosemary’s February Main drama classes, culminating in the class’s final performance, an eight-minute production in front of their peers in the Craig Auditorium.

Over two decades ago, Rosemary taught Johann drama at the College. Asked how drama has changed in the past two decades, Johann was complimentary of the students’ ability to learn, while emphasising the experience remains essentially the same.

‘The fundamentals are similar: a bunch of tongue-tied young people getting together and not really knowing what they’re capable of, until they put some hours in and create brilliant performances like what you’ve just seen,’ says Johann.

Rosemary too believes drama is a great way to develop confidence and your communication skills. ‘I don't know another way that’s better quite honestly, and it’s fun and relaxing, it’s a contrast to the stress of the other subjects as well,’ says Rosemary.

February Main student, Gu Xuyu (TCFS 2017), says studying drama has helped him improve his English, teamwork and self-confidence.

‘At the beginning, we’re encouraged to talk to other people in English and we do teamwork in English, so that’s helped me increase my confidence,’ says Xuyu. ‘Before there was no courage to do what you want, but now you can just release yourself and really enjoy the class.’

Drama remains a key component of Trinity’s Foundation Studies program. Click here to of the drama studies class from July until their performances in November.

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