Rachelle Gilmour

People speaking

Rachelle completed her studies in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible at the University of Sydney (PhD), before undertaking postdoctoral research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Edinburgh. She currently serves on the editorial boards for Journal for the Study of the Old Testament and the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Series for T&T Clark, and is the Hebrew Bible editor for Australian Biblical Review. She has formerly been an editor for the Review of Biblical Literature; and was founder and co-chair of the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting programme unit, Book of Samuel: Narrative, Theology and Interpretation. Her current projects include a commentary on 1 Samuel 1-15 for the IECOT/IEKAT commentary series (Kohlhammer). 

Current Research Areas

  • Literature, language, and background of Samuel-Kings.
  • Divine violence and the portrayal of God in the Hebrew Bible.
  • Memory and history in Biblical narrative; memory and prophecy.
  • Critique of ideology and feminist approaches to the Hebrew Bible.

Areas for Supervision

  • Literature and theology of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible.
  • Biblical Hebrew language.
  • History of Israel and the ancient Near East.
  • Contemporary approaches to interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. 



  • Divine Violence in the Book of Samuel (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021)
  • Juxtaposition and the Elisha Cycle (LHBOTS 594; London: T&T Clark, 2014)
  • Representing the Past: A Literary Analysis of Narrative Historiography in the Book of Samuel (VTSup. 143; Leiden: Brill, 2011). 

Edited book

  • Political Theologies in the Hebrew Bible. Edited with Mark G. Brett  (Journal of Ancient Judaism SupplemenSeries; Paderborn: Brill öԾԲ, 2023).

Journal articles and book chapters

  • “The Politics of Beauty in the Books of Samuel and Esther,” pp. 54-72 iPolitical Theologies of the Hebrew Bible (ed. Mark G. Brett and Rachelle Gilmour; Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplement Series; Paderborn: Brill öԾԲ, 2023). 
  • “Sex Scandal and the Politics of David’s Throne.” Journal of Biblical Literature 141 (2022): 89-110.
  • “Overturning Sovereignty: Esther in Dialogue with the Book of Samuel,” pp. 57-67 in Reading Esther Intertextually (ed. David Firth and Brittany Melton; LHBOTS; London: T & T Clark, 2022). 
  • “King David and the White Bear Justice Park,” pp. 179-191 in Theology and Black Mirror (ed. Amber Bowen and John Anthony Dunne; Theology, Religion and Popular Culture; Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022). 
  • “’But he would not listen to her’: Revisiting the story of Tamar in 2 Samuel 13,” pp. 55-66 in Terror in the Bible: Rhetoric, Gender, and Violence (ed. Robyn Whitaker and Monica Melanchthon; Atlanta: SBL, 2021)
  • “The Monuments of Saul and Absalom in the Book of Samuel,” pp. 243-261 in Collective Memory and Collective Identity: Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History in Their Context (ed. Johannes Unsok Ro and Diana Edelman; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021)
  • From Anxiety to Reverence: Fear of God’s Retribution and Violence in the Book of Samuel,” Die Welt des Orients 51 (2021): 84-91
  • “Rehabilitating Rehoboam,” pp. 65-82 in Characters and Characterization in 1 and 2 Kings (ed. Keith Bodner and Benjamin Johnson; London: Bloomsbury, 2020) 
  • “The Rejection of Saul and the Obscene Underside of the Law,” The Bible and Critical Theory 15 (2019)
  • “Remembering the Future: The Topheth as Dystopia in Jeremiah 7 and 19,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 44 (2019): 64-78  
  • “Divine Violence and Divine Presence: Reading the Story of Uzzah and the Ark in 2 Samuel 6 with Slavoj Žižek,” Biblical Interpretation 27 (2019): 1-19  
  • “Jeremiah at the Gate: Identifying the People’s Gate in Jeremiah 17:19,” Biblische Notizen 177 (2018): 75-82 
  • “Juxtaposition and reinterpretation in Joshua 1-2,” pp. 143-155 in Registers and Modes of Communication in the Ancient Near East: Getting the Message Across (ed. Kyle H. Keimer and Gillan Davis; London: Routledge, 2018)
  • “A Tale of the Unexpected: The Ending of 2 Kings 3 Re-examined,” Australian Biblical Review 65 (2017): 17-29 
  • “Reading Jeremiah 19:1–13: Integrating Diachronic and Synchronic Methodologies,” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 17 (2017) DOI: 10.5508/jhs.2017.v17.a5  
  • “Chapter 15: (Hi)story Telling in the Books of Samuel,” pp. 192-203 in The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Narrative (ed. Danna Nolan Fewell; New York: Oxford University Press, 2016)
  • “The Exodus in the Bible’s Teaching and Our Teaching of the Bible: Helping to Reconcile Faith and Critical Study of the Bible through Threshold Concept Theory,” Journal of Adult Theological Education 13 (2016): 116-127 
  • “Who Captured Jerusalem? Reading Historiography and/or Collective Memory in Samuel,” pp. 63-82 in The Books of Samuel: Stories – History – Reception (ed. Walter Dietrich; Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium; Leuven: Peeters, 2016) 
  • “E,”&Բ;Oxford Bibliographies Online (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016)
  • “The Function of Place Naming in 2 Samuel 5-6: A Study in Collective Memory,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 39 (2015): 405-431 
  • “Reading a Biblical Motif: Gifts of Listed Food Provisions in the Books of Samuel,” Australian Biblical Review 61 (2013): 30-43
  • “A Note on the Horses and Chariots of Fire at Dothan,” Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 125 (2013): 308-313
  • With I. Young. “Saul’s Two Year Reign in 1 Samuel 13:1,” Vetus Testamentum 63 (2013): 150-154
  • “Suspense and Anticipation in I Samuel 9:1-14,” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 9 (2009), DOI: 10.5508/jhs.2009.v9.a10.

Community Engagement

  • Forthcoming. “1 Samuel” and “2 Samuel.” In New Oxford Annotated Bible. Sixth Edition. Edited by Michael Coogan, Marc Brettler, Julia O’Brien, and Emma Wasserman. New York: Oxford University Press. 
  •    ABC Religion and Ethics.
  • ABC Religion and Ethics.
  • The 11th Annual Memorial Alan Crown Public Lecture, Mandelbaum House, University of Sydney, October 2018.
  •  ABC Religion and Ethics. 
  •  ABC Religion and Ethics.

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